The moment Llusia mentioned her 'form of travel' alarm bells rung inside Martin's head. His mind firing on all cylinders to try and predict what she meant by that. What dazzling and amazing vampire power this oldblood could hold. When shadows started to creep up and they started to move Martin concluded it was some sort of shadow teleportation trick. Was she bending space time? Was it an illusion? Where they travelling through a shadow plane? Hell yes, Martin was exited. "Bring it!" With a sudden jolt they soared through the landscape, between the trees passing by and their shadows he saw images and heard sounds. Some of them he recognised, some he didn't. Two vampires kept showing up in these visions. Martin felt a dire urge to investigate, to find out why these vampires were important, and how they got in his past. He only just met them. But Martin persevered and didn't let go of Llusia's hand until, moments later, they stood before the entrance of the debate hall again. Martin mentally prepared himself to talk to a large group of tyrannical monsters at the same time. Meanwhile Llusia happened to display a good example of what happened when you failed to be interesting at times like this. Everything was going according to plan, he'd be ok. He had an entry so he had a chance to place himself in the light of interesting. He had a good trade, it was a good thing his organisations tactics in these situations was to just grossly overpay. And most of all, because talking to these oldbloods was going to be interesting. "After you my lady."