[img]http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/ur/2014/urwk01_01_xjaeakjffk.jpg[/img] Far Blue and distant, The Cold Flames burn, In the darkness of the Abyss. The cosmic radiance, Revealed at long last, As foretold by Eons past. A herald of the beginning, Or a bringer of the end? “I see a new Star appear in the depth of the heavens. Its brilliance blinds me! The colours are wrapt in a pale blue light, an omen of things to come. I see it shining at us, at long last its light has reached us. I see it over…” “Is this what you see? I hear the whispers of the cosmos, this star will mark a new age of champions… The Gods are with us.” “…” The Three Oracles announced in their chamber. In the Grand Sanctum of the Order of the White Moth, the Triad of Oracles dwelled amidst the guardians of universal secrets. The most attuned of all mortals to the fickle whims of fate, they gave prophesies to be recorded by the Monks and organized into great libraries. A few times did they hold audience to Kings and Sorcerers, People chosen by the gods, and even a General commanding his armies, but hid themselves away inside a box such that none may see them. They had given themselves up to the art of Divination, to scry into the tides of fate, and in exchange for such power, gave up some of themselves in tribute to the God of Secrets. The first was deaf, and only could see the prophetic visions and describe what he saw. The second was blind, and only listen to the whispers of the world and she would announce the will of the gods. But the third, was mute, and knew the truth of both vision and mandate, and kept it secret. This was the way it was, as X had made it such that mortals knew not the truth of the future. There are no guarantees save for the existence of uncertainty… --- The Oracles were not the only ones to see the new star appear in the night sky. Lesser seers and anyone with an interest in the heavens would have found its light reaching down at last. Rumors of a new search for champions circulated through the community. The dawn of a new age they said as great men arrived outside of the Grand sanctum to receive the word in truth. Who was it that was chosen? Who amongst them would become a champion? By the high path of the noon sun, the crowd had gathered. Altars dedicated to the gods laid with offerings, foolish mortals thinking that fate could be bribed. Food and sport surrounded the remote temple grounds as the ever stoic White Moths kept the populace outside of the walls. Who shall the gods find worthy of representing them here upon this realm? --- And within the dark realms and bright heavens, the Gods themselves converged in conclave. Off their thrones would they greet each other, making conversation between what choice of offerings the mortals gave and comparing them to other offerings. It was merely a farce for them, but more pressingly was the arrival of X who drifted into the realm from his secret residence. It was X who called them here, with a whisper of things to come and the need for champions. Few dared to question the cryptic messages of the God of Secrets, what knowledge had he that they of omniscience did not know? Knowledge was power beyond the gods it would see. With a finger to his lips he spoke not. With a gesture of his hand he bid them watch. A challenge or test perhaps to pick out their champions. Fate would bind them all, Gods and Man twisted together by the twinkle of the new Star. A new page.