Akira "That's very interesting Silvia-san," Akira said, though he doubted the boy could hear him anyway. He was glad that he was in control and not Akuma, or else he was sure Silvia would've been sent through a wall with in 5 seconds of their first meeting. "But I don't really think we're dealing with vampires here. I think it's just some espers, maybe Haemokinetics like me, who are trying to stir up panic, though I've no idea why." That was his thoughts on the whole thing, because he saw no reason why they'd send two haemokinetics to fight vampires, which are already rumored to be practically invincible. [i]It's just going to be some crazed cult of Espers or something, you'll see. You'll fight them, arrest them, hand them to the authorities, and get a perfect grade on test that you forgot to study for. Everything turns out great and everybody wins. What could possibly go wrong[/i] Dylan Dylan nodded at the slight rude girl as Ray introduced him, his foot tapping excitedly against the floor as he couldn't keep himself still. He was pumped, it wasn't everyday you get called in to face a freakin' cult. He wondered how tough they'd be, he was looking forward to some really fun fights. The more he thought about it, the greater the frequency of his foot tapping, and he had begun to fidget as well. He couldn't take this waiting, he wanted to go up int there and bust some cult heads. "Nice to meet you all, as Ray here said, my name's Dylan Brooks and I want to cut straight to the chase, when do we get to smack around these kidnapping cultists. Soon, sooner, or now?" [@Masaki Haruna]