Mind if I join? [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpcvJuc3iJP-xKQvpVHeFgdqBAh0_g6C5bKEGugQMeoScaewKUnQ[/img] Full Name: Ryan O Sore Nickname(s): The Tiny Master, He who dwells in the grass, and Bug Master. Gender: Male Age: 16 Birthday: October 31st Astrological Sign: Scorpio Starter Pokemon: Weedle, Now a Beedrill. Team: Beedrill, Spewpa, Nincada, and Venipede Legend: Bug Type Legend Trainer Class: Bug Master Hometown, Region: White Forest, Unova Personality: Ryan is typically a silent person who prefers to let his actions speak for him. He has been known to talk a lot when he believes that person is his friend. He generally keeps his emotions in check though. Small Biography: Lived in the White Forest for 10 years before his home was threatened by a major corporation wishing to turn it into a city. He waged guerilla warfare along with the other inhabitants of White Forest until they eventually left. In honor of his efforts to defend White City he was awarded his very own pokemon on his 10th birthday. A few months later he started his quest to find the Ultimate Bug Type pokemon, Genesect. On his journey he fought many more corporations until he eventually became known as BUGMAN! In all seriousness though he gained the title of the Human Shedinja. Power: Immunity to toxins, diseases and any plant based status effecting moves. Theme Song: Yet to be decided.