Xander's comment made Josephine smirk. She loved to terrorize people and he knew it well. She sighed and began to follow him. As students passed by on their way, they glanced at her. She gave them sweet smiles, though she wanted to ring their necks. When she arrived, the man was speaking already. She scanned the crowd and ended up sitting beside Xander, who was sitting next to Terraline. The bitch survived? Why? What was she good for? Josephine sighed and ignored her. She didn't have the energy to make a sarcastic remark towards her. Her burn marks were currently scorching. "New and old students, welcome. You will each receive a handbook of rules and guidelines that contains your class schedule and dorm room and just about everything you'll need! New students this must be very weird for you and I understand. You were gifted with a special ability that sets you apart from other humans. No one is allowed to know you exist in the outside world. The government has a secret branch that was created specially for you. They are trained to kill you and destroy everything tied to your existence. You are being hunted right now. Why? Because your ability makes you a threat to other human lives. Here we give you a safe haven from these hunters so you can learn to control it so you can never use it again. You will learn to control so that you can conceal. In the outside world, power use can be detected thus it must be concealed to avoid death. If you so try to use your powers outside this school, you will be picked up by expensive technology this branch of government uses and they will find you and kill you. That's why it is important that you learn to conceal this ability at all costs. Is this understood by everyone?" "No," Josie mumbled and glared irritably. This is what she climbed out of bed for? People were so dumb This lecture could have been given to her in the hospital wing. She turned as she heard Xander mumble; If we're so gifted why are we being told to hide our gift? Why don't we all stand up to those assholes? We're stronger than them." Of course Terraline gave a disapproving glance, her eyes narrowed. This girl was truly good for nothing. "Right?" She agreed dryly. "These asses already fucked us over once. Why let them do it again?" There was no way in hell that she was "going to hide in fear. A distant, vague memory began to fill her mind that she automatically pushed out. Whenever it surfaced, she would push it away. Josie felt something she rarely felt before that accompanied it: nervousness. A girl's yell startled her and made her whirl around to face the speaker. What idiot was yelling now and why? Was it necessary? No, it wasn't. Jose made a mental note to terrorize the little shit later on. Her head was pounding from the smoke inhalation and unnecessary noises were driving her nuts. "You're probably all not happy with this, with having to hide. I'm not either, but I'm not stupid to think that standing up to them will be worth it. How many people will die for that war? I do not want to be responsible for that" She raised an eyebrow. The little shit turned out to be brave, but foolishly so. She sighed and shook her head, turning back around in order not to freak out. Another voice responded. Josie counted to ten before she lost her cool. "I agree with that statement." He announced, voicing his support. "Fighting hurts, and it ain't good for you." Josephine sighed and rubbed her temples with annoyance. When would these idiots shut the fuck up? _____________________________________________________________________ Ellowyn listen vaguely to the speech, looking around every which way. She pulled her jacket on her and pulled her hood up. The last thing she wanted was a confrontation from Drew in front of everyone. With a sigh, she turned to see Sage had left a note saying "Be right back". Ellowyn sighed and turned to see a girl sitting by herself (Mia) nearby. She looked as if she didn't want to comment on anyone's yelling, and Ellie didn't blame her. Still; a part of her panged for the girl sitting alone. It was a lonely thing that nobody should have to face. Ellowyn stood up anxiously and sat nearby her. "Hey," she greeted gently, as not to startle her. "Would you like to join us? It's okay if not. My friend, Sage, went to the vending machine, but he'll be back." Ellowyn was used to rejection; it was something she faced daily. The scars on her face, neck, and shoulders weren't attractive. She didn't blame people for turning away in disgust. Ellowyn sighed and awaited the girls' response. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the siblings from before. To her shock, there was another sister. She looked away before anyone noticed her glancing over - especially the brother who was making her stomach churn with nervousness. _______________________________________________________________________ Sage ditched the speech after a few minutes. It was the same thing he heard every year and was tired of listening to. Moments late,r he was glad he had left as he heard echoes of student's yelling replies. Despite it all, he was grateful he was here and not at home. Anywhere was better than being at home. He would never go back to that wretched place if he didn't have to. The greediness of what was considered the upper-class disgusted him. Still, he had used the money for selfless reasons, which only outcasted him. Sage could relate to Ellowyn's consistent loneliness; though his reasons weren't for his physical appearance. He sighed and went to the vending machine. After buying a bag of sun chips, he went back to the auditorium. The damn thing had almost ate his money. It wasn't that he was in dire need, but he only had so much at the moment. He looked around, briefly wondering where he had been sitting. He looked around and spotted Ellowyn's creamy blonde hair and quickly joined her. As he neared, he saw she was speaking to a younger girl on joining them. On his way back he waved to a group of the other students. He smiled and sat beside Ellowyn, stretching out and setting his feet on top of the chair in front of him. With a crooked smile, he turned to greet her as well, his United Kingdom accent strong as ever. "Ello mate," He nodded to her.