[[b][color=007236]KAI [/color]&[color=0054a6] PRINCE[/color][/b]] "Wow, that smells good," Kai said, smelling the dinner that Winter cooked all the way up to him and Prince's joint room. After they got back on the ship they headed straight to their room, in which Kai started fixing up Prince's leg from the small battle in Ballard. He wasn't a professional but he knew his way around the mechanics after fixing Prince's mechanical body parts multiple times. Prince whistled as he was sharpening a new set of arrows after wasting some away from the fight in Ballard. "Yeah," Prince agreed, putting away his arrows. He yawned, stretching his arms above his head. "Are you coming to dinner?" Kai asked. From the small time he's been part of the crew, Prince had never once joined them for dinner and instead ate during the next town they docked in or by himself which is why he kept such an insane amount of food in the room. "Nah," Prince shrugged, taking his leg as Kai passed it to him and attached it back on. "I'll pass," Prince said, waving his hand to shoo Kai away. "Alright, I'll see you later then," Kai said, getting up from his seat and leaving the room. Kai walked over to the galley, following the scent of dinner, he entered seeing Winter putting down the food on the table. ""Hey Winter," he greeted, taking a seat on one of the chairs surrounding the table. "It smells good."