For your consideration... [color=orange][b]Name:[/b][/color] Kismet [color=orange][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [hider=Penetrating Stare][center][img][/img][/center][/hider] [color=orange][b]Species:[/b][/color] Human, ish [color=orange][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=orange][b]Skills and standard abilities:[/b][/color] Expert tracker, trader and woodsman, skilled herbalist, experienced apothecary and cartographer, proficient archer and fletcher, expert knife combatant [color=orange][b]Supernatural/ magical abilities:[/b][/color] [color=yellow][b]Empathic:[/b][/color] While not always accurate Kismet has a great proficiency being able to read most people's intentions, sometimes before they even know them themselves. This ability comes from both her experiences dealing with traders and newcomers to the realm and a natural affinity to ambient magics. Some say she may even be fae-touched, although as she was found as a child wandering in the woods none can say for sure, not even Kismet herself. [color=yellow][b]Portal Sense:[/b][/color] Kismet seems to encounter newly formed portals far more frequently than most other adventurers and while she dismisses this as mere good fortune others wonder whether this ability is more than she lets on. [color=yellow][b]Fog Resistance:[/b][/color] For whatever reason Kismet seems to be able to survive in the Fog slightly longer than most people. While it dulls her senses and over time can cause her harm she can usually survive long enough to make use of shortcuts and pathways others could not. Some say this is a sign of some monstrous taint within her, while others simply congratulate her skill in tracking. [color=orange][b]Job:[/b][/color] Greeter, scout, tracker [color=orange][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Kismet can be a difficult woman to describe to those who've never met her before. On the surface she appears warm-hearted and welcoming, but something in her eyes speaks of hidden, cold depths within her. While some remind naysayers that no-one ever has an unkind word to say of her, others point out that any who do have a tendency to go missing in the woods, never to be heard from again. [color=orange][b]Biography/ history:[/b][/color] As a babe Kismet was found wandering the woodland paths by a travelling trader. At first he thought the young child had simply wandered away from a nearby village but further investigation revealed the child to be unknown to any of the local families. Planning to hand her over to the proper authorities once he reached a large enough town for there to be any he continued on his path, but when the time came for him to part with the girl he discovered the child's warmth and grace had charmed him enough to instead invite her to stay with him in his travels. Reporting her as an orphan survivor of a caravan destroyed by raider the trader officially adopted the young girl as his own daughter. Growing up alongside the wandering merchant Kismet soon developed her skill at bartering and trading, although her almost unnatural skill at being able to negotiate and barter even the most hard-hearted of traders soon began to draw attention to her. When she came of age she finally set out on her own, with her adopted father's blessing, and began her own trading adventures. Not long after she happened to wander close to a tear in the world and became the first face the newcomer encounter. Unfortunately for her the man revealed himself to be an uncouth barbarian and decided that a warmer greeting than was first offered was due him. That night, as the man lay exhausted beside his campfire, Kismet slit his throat, leaving him to bleed out as she melted away into the woods. Understanding that she had best learn to defend herself properly if she was to continue her way of life she sought out a master hunter and traded her company in exchange for lessons in the ways of the wood. For years the two trained, hunted and lived together until finally Kismet had learnt everything the man had to offer. The last time he was seen the hunter left his home alongside Kismet, never to return. Some say he became a hermit, forsaking the civilised company of the town in order to better commune with the nature he loved. Others hint at a darker fate, given to him as repayment for the years of indignities Kismet had suffered in exchange for her training. Whatever may be true of her Kismet now stands as one of the most proficient scout and hunters in the woods, with the ability to move through the branches unseen tracking her prey silently and stealthily. Often the first on the scene when newcomers arrive she has gained enough experience to help guide the lost on the path to their new lives, or remove them from the world should the need arise. [color=orange][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Hunting bow with quiver, waxed hunting knife, throwing blades, handmade leather armour, concealing cloak (possibly enchanted), bird-call whistle, medicine bundle with numerous homemade elixirs, tonics and poisons, hunter's pack capable of carrying several small animals, coin purse with a small amount of currency, pendant necklace of unknown origin, Ring of True Seeing, compass, mapping tools and sextant