The woman watched the girl recoil slightly from her, she'd known that her own facial expressions were disturbing at times though she almost never used them regardless unless she had to for felt a sort of emotion pass through her. It was strange though she quite enjoyed when others were scared of her. [color=440e62]"Possibly."[/color] She said quietly, listening as the sloth boy drew in a deep breath and his voice boomed out around them while he addressed the entire crowd of people who had been brought here from the beginning. [color=630460]"Women are traditionally more aggressive in the wild."[/color] Silver spoke while the boy looked around at everyone and flicked the end of her tail impatiently. Being the type to hate to wait she turned and bound up the steps toward the front door, clearing all of the stairs in a single leap to land on the front poach with ease. Looking out toward the ground the cat woman smirked again and waved before jumping up onto the porch roof and sitting down to wait. --- Melisandre blinked quietly, her soft mocha skin reddening slightly on her cheeks as she reached out and shook his hand gently, careful not to grab on too hard and hurt him.[color=6ecff6] "You won't be saying that much longer but I appreciate it."[/color] She replied just before he had turned to speak to the entire group and silently she allowed others to drift ahead of her while she backed away slightly, unsure of the crowd or even the men that were once part of the group. Her soft green hair tumbled around her shoulders and down her back in light waves and she reached once small hand back to pull her hair into a low twist to get it out of her way while she moved; the movement lifted up her clothing slightly, revealing another row of scales closer to her hips and part of her stomach as well, though her private area remained covered for the moment. When she lowered her hands again she adjusted the fabric, clearly embarrassed and shy around the people of the male sex.