So uhm, introduction... I have always been rather bad at typing up one of those, never really know where to start... So we shall start with the classic! Hello there everyone! I got told about this forum by a friend of mine after I told them I was getting rather tired of the roleplay forum I was on before and so thus, here I am in all of my glory, deciding to give another roleplay forum a chance. Over the years of roleplaying I have been given a few nicknames, Yoru, Dalex and Cake, so there for you can call me any of those, or just call me by the user name I choice. I have been roleplaying for about six years now, and I love to draw. So it is very likely, if I do find myself roleplaying here, that the character I will be using is something I have drawn up myself. So, I guess that is that. The Cake~