Pirates: Appearance: [hider=Blythe] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/75/03/95/750395896d8dae95df424a676f61be85.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Blythe Age: 22 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Role: Captain Personality: He's a very friendly who has a high charisma that will make even his enemies admire him. He always does what he thinks is morally right. He's adventurous and a bit reckless. He has a bad habit of being clumsy. Bio: Not able to take the corrupt ways of the government any longer Blythe started a crew of strong men and woman and offered everyone in his village the chance to sail away to paradise. Only 43 of the 1,500 villagers agreed to go because the fear of dying from the hands of the dictator for traitorous acts overrided the captains charisma. After finding paradise the captain took charge into making sure everyone was happy. He's skilled with a sword and has decent physical strength. Pirates: Appearance: [hider=Drake] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/014/f/6/pirate_anime_boy_by_Believe_in_music.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Drake Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexuality: Pansexual Role: Navigator Personality: A brave young lad who is up for anything. He acts tough even though he is only 5 feet tall. If you point out his size he will probably get angry at you. Although he acts tough his mannerisms are really cute. Bio: Drake is the ships navigator. He helped the crew find paradise. He hated the dictator because he had bought his sister as a sex slave. He tried to get her back but he gave her away to someone on a different island when he was finished with her. Not wanting to live in the corrupt kingdom any longer he ran away with the pirates. He studied navigation at the age 13 because that was the day he decided he wanted to run away. He has a knife as a weapon but is a bit squeamish so he only uses it to cut things like ropes. Merman or Mermaid: Appearance: [hider=Helena] [img]http://in1.ccio.co/a9/z/4F/7b595e5a65d46a953104788d7c527259d4q04vd.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Helena Age: 28 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Fish Type: Gold Fish Personality: A just and fair queen who loves all merfolk. She rarely smiles and often just stares at people with a cold look. Bio: She was once a slave to the humans but her kingdom does not know of this. That is what fuels her hatred for humans. She hasn't been queen for very long but she is doing an excellent job. once the pirates had stepped foot on her territory she declared war on them. Merman or Mermaid: Appearance: [hider=Dylan] [img]http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/11893/Chace%20Crawford.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Dylan Age: 21 Gender: Male Sexuality: Gay Fish Type: Megadalon Personality: With mermen and mermaids he's a big cuddly teddy bare, with humans he's a viscous monster. He likes to play with humans and mess with them but if you somehow managed to get on his good side he might decide to go easy on you, but it's unlikely. Bio: He's a knight under the queen of the merfolk. He's huge and has sharp teeth and will chomp up any humans who threaten the kingdom. When he's off duty he likes to play with merfolk. He serves as one of the biggest threats to the pirates.