[hider= Reynard Cairo] Name: His birth name is Reynard Cairo but everyone calls him Fox Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Image][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/040/b/a/ndc__cross_luther_by_leifswag-d5ublgb.png[/img][/hider] Hybrid Animal: 30% Fox - 70% Human Abilities: [list] [*]Has enhanced speed to run much farther and faster than a normal human. [*]Has enhanced hearing so that he can hear a conversation from at max 3 miles away though he needs to considerate for that distance. His passive range would be the normal range of a normal Fox. [*]Has enhanced jumping height but just enough for it to be noticed. [*]He is very clever and tends to out think his prey [*]Has lots of experience in combat with guns, swords, hand to hand, and a few others though since he never lived a domestic life around normal people he tends to find it hard to talk with people and vice versa. [*]Only Has Fox like ears and tail so he can pass himself of as someone who cause plays and those features can be covered up very easily. [*]Has great balance thanks to tail [/list] History: When they released Fox, he wasn't really being released it was more like being thrown out. He had nowhere to go since he was abandon at birth. They threw him out mainly just save his life but he wasn't given a destination to go, he didn't have any money, and he had nothing but the clothes on his back. For a few weeks he wandered around aimlessly, surviving off the scraps of others. He was on his way to a store where a nice baker gave him a loaf of bread for his dinner, when he saw a man dressed in black, including a black fedora, interrogating the baker. He was a tall and slim man, but also seemed very strong since he was holding up the baker, who was very plump, from his shirt. He also gave this hostile and almost venomous vibe. The slim man talked about money being owed and about a man he never heard of. He heard every word of the conversation but didn't understand what was going on. The man ended the conversation with "thank you for your time" and then shot him with a silenced gun. The man turned around and saw Reynard as he bolted out into a ally. The man was very fast and within seconds had cornered him. The man stood there with his face still hidden by the shadow of his hat examining his prey as Reynard cry in the corner begging for mercy. The man asked "do you have any family?" Reynard replied "no." "Do you have any friends, co workers,-" he asked being cut off by Reynard yelling "no I don't know anyone." The man replied "then come and work for me if you wish to live." Reynard followed and for the next 15 years he trained to use his powers for the man's personal gain, to become a heartless mercenary. Once the government learned his whereabouts they sent a elite team and he was captured and detained with his home, friends, and family dead and burned, though to the elite squad just thought that they were just a bunch of goons. [/hider]