[h1]Gods that reside on Sophitia[/h1] On such a young world that still is heavily influenced by its creators, is it an wonder that religion serves an abnormally large part in Sophitias culture. Here are the main deities whose gazes have turned on young knights about to enter into service of the order. [hider=Mother] Mother is depicted in her followers amulets as an young woman, half her face crying, half in a joyous smile. She is the goddess that is said to have created all sentient living things. Also Mother was the one who took pity on suffering upon Sophitia and granted the gift of magic upon mortals. Her followers are bid to show compassion to living things as long as it doesn´t put other lives at risk. They are also bid to use their affinity powers only to protect. Those who break her commandments are expected to retire to an life of continuous praying and solitude until head matron of the church forgives them. [/hider] [hider=Steel] Steel is the supreme god, the creator, the great traitor. In all his power he succumbed to an broken heart and left the world he had created to fend for its own. It is said that this is why mountains rose to cover edges of the world and monsters started to rampage trough the fertile plains Steel had so carefully protected. He is still revered as the creator of planet Sophitia in all its splendor and also regarded to creating human race. He is depicted as an old warrior in plate armor, cosmical aura around him. His more devout followers are expected to defend his domain to their last breath until his return. Less devout are directed to do so in varying degrees from ones own home to an large piece of farmland. Should an devout of Steel fail in this task, they are expected to travel towards monster spawning mountains and fight mankinds enemies until they fall. [/hider] [hider=Vine] Vine is the goddess of forests, revenge and wrath of nature. She is depicted as an masked woman with hair like bramble and thorn. Her wish is to see Sophitia covered in forests. Her followers are naturally forbidden to carve more from forests than space for an small village. They are to fear and respect creatures that reside within dark woods and avoid travelling forests at night time. They are also expected to not leave an single act of betrayal go unpunished. Failing to follow her commandments means you have to go plant trees, number is equal to the gravity of offense, and each of these trees must be fed several drops of offenders own blood so they grow strong. [/hider] [hider=Sand] Sand is depicted as an golden scorpion flying on a sandstorm. To his devout followers Sand is everything, he is the metal in your saber, he is the life giving oasis and relentless sun. He is also Al Zidoas god of death, steady erosion to nothingness symbolizing natural causes and violent sandstorm that rips men to shreds, symbolizing sudden death of murder and battle. Sand is hardly an harmonious god, he desires an empire of desert as far as the eye can see. He expects extreme strength and resilience of his followers, also his followers are expected to obey his orders and orders of his high priests unconditionally. Failing to comply leads to an pilgrimage to the deserts. Offenders are expected to survive for seven days and seven nights with only what desert has to offer them. Considering all the ferocious wild beasts and sudden, deadly sandstorms of Al Zidoa, not many get an second chance with Sand. [/hider] [hider=Wind] God of travelers, messengers and protector of fools. Wind is depicted as either an giant bird or sealed scroll with wings and eyes. Moved into the world of Sophitia following Mother who he is very affectionate towards. His followers are expected to laugh, sing, drink and travel, never turning from adventure. Very few know how to break his commandments but those who do, are expected to take on journey of Wind! Demanding experience lasting an whole year where the offending party is expected to make comprehensive maps of twelve unknown parts of Sophitia and never sleep more than two nights in one place. [/hider] [hider=Roar] Roar is the newest god upon Sophitia, attracted by the violence brought by mountain monsters. He has come to bless and judge warriors of these lands. He is depicted as an heavily armored wolf or bear. His followers are yet few, only the strongest are welcome to the priesthood of Roar, they are expected to spill their enemies blood every week in the least amount of devotion. Those who fail in this are bid to seek his secluded shrines in the Jarl tundras, don the red armor found in these places and travel the world, fighting, until they meet an warrior strong enough to end them. [/hider]