(I'm not sure I can accurately portray them in an RP. If I don bring them in I might have you play a few. I'm sure I can do Caboose, Sarge Grif, and maybe Tucker. Also sorry if you've been waiting, its busy here.) "I guess I can see if they want to meet you but it may be a while as they themselves are kind of seperated in some kind of gang or group." He told her "They get along well enough but its also more of a love/hate kind of things. I think the only person all of them can get along with is me." He wasn't sure exactly how to describe his friends relationship with each other, sine they all seemed to simultaneously hate and care for each other. Well Donut and Caboose seemed to like everyone but they were kind of idiots. He was certain that this meeting would probably end poorly in some way though. Either the two groups would start fighting or someone would insult Kaya. "Essentially they all hate each other but can tolerate each other at the same time. They're technically friends but they don't really like the ones in their own group." He told her "Sarge, Simmons, Grif, and Donut make up one group that they refer to as 'Red Team' and the rest make up a group they call 'Blue Team'. I have no idea about why each group dislike the other and the only explanations I could get were from Caboose and Donut... which made no sense."