[center][h1] A Show for One [/h1][/center] An exhausted, but fairly straight minded, fellow served as the solitary/silent audience to the show of madness before him. His eyes lazily moved with the man as his shovel swung about and bashed into the girth of a decrepit trunk. In many ways he found the seen familiar, a sort of deja vu struck him...hadn't this been him not moments earlier? Riley stared on, hunched over from exhaustion while his left arm shot out and pressed up against a tree helping to keep him steady. A look of partial surprise and concern overtook his features as the tree that had previously been assailed fought back, careening towards the Earth. This did not prompt him to move at all, he had clearly seen the man dodge right of it, he was fine. In all honesty Riley noted to keep a distance for now, at least until the lad had let out some steam. "Looks like ah breathin' tart...", Riley commented under his breath. He snickered silently at the scene, finding the whole affair really quite absurd. The amusement died off promptly as the boy seemed to breakdown into a fit of chuckling. Like an un-appeased toddler he threw his tool to the ground, and followed suit by his bizarre helmet. Riley could hear his muttering but could make no-sense of any of it, although he felt even if he was nearer not much sense would be there anyway. In Riley's time the sight of seeing men breakdown in this way was not too unfamiliar. Many including himself had succumb to this state their first time among blood. He extended a wary sympathy to the lad, his outburst having become more hopeless than blood-thirsty. Slowly, he began to approach the other, taking balanced strides toward him, making sure not to appear skulking but rather deliberate and obvious. He paused before speaking, then opened up with a friendly greeting, "Hai there. I think ya might've just startled the whole wood.". To emphasize his good intentions he stretched a weak smile. If fortune is good the man will come to his senses and from there they might find water, or perhaps he'll be given some sort of bearings. If this goes badly the man will be a crazed killer, or marauder and attempt to murder Riley in the name of whatever. Maybe even call upon some nearby friends...the worst case scenario. Riley may be a tough and sometimes rowdy chap, but he knew one tired body against four or five energetic ones was fool hardy at best. Dempsey stood straight as his tired eyes regarded the form before him, anxiety welling at the base of his stomach. He really needed a friendly face right now.