[b]Name:[/b] Quill [b]Gender:[/b] Up to speculation, often defaults to “he” but "she" is fairly frequent [b]Race:[/b] Beast [b]Age:[/b] Vaguely-Twenties [b]Title/Nickname:[/b] Jester Quill/Quill the Grin [b]Kingdom of birth:[/b] Even Quill doesn’t know the answer to this one. At some point he began to be passed off and off between various nomadic peoples. He’d gladly lie though, and say he’s from anywhere that suits him. [b]Worship:[/b] Quill purports to worship just about any god that suits the situation he’s in. He might praise one god for a joke, or blaspheme another to get a rise out of someone. Though he definitely believes they exist, he is not, personally, a big fan of any of them. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall and thin, a wiry and feminine frame wrapped in a few layers of lean but practiced muscle. His hair is long and fluffy and fiery red, and two abnormally large hare-ears of the same color fall behind his head, a stark call to his bestial genes. His eyes are blue and icy, and it might be hard to stare at them for very long in the right light. Though for the most part his clothes are light and flowing, two things Quill is never seen without are the overly-large-brimmed hat atop his head, and the grin that never seems to leave his face. [b]Magical affinity:[/b] Only Wind, but quite skilled with it. [b]Skills:[/b] For combat—Wind affinity, swift strikes, quick and agile. Out of combat—Fairly good singer, silver-tongued, good storyteller [b]Equipment:[/b] Equipment: Quill’s weapon consists of two forms, a single-handed curved and notched blade, and a gnarled scythe. Often he wields the blade alone, and keeps the staff portion in its folded position at his side, but for the instances where he needs the extra reach, he can attach the blade to the end of the staff by its handle, locking it in place and extending the staff out into its full length. The wood, while scratched, neither splinters nor cracks, and the blade though weathered shows equal signs of integrity. Quill won’t say where he got the weapon, but it clearly isn’t his, its grim nature a contrast to his bright and jovial presented self. [b]Favorite spells:[/b] Presently, Quill’s affinity is used mostly for mobility. He tends to keep moving on the battlefield, preferring quick hit-and-run strikes and swift counters. Though he can to some extent deflect and/or propel objects with wind, most of his magical prowess is apparent in the mobility it offers. [b]Character background history:[/b] Quill is not fond of people, perhaps that’s why he’s a jester, –or was anyway– so that he could mock them openly without causing too much of a fuss. Born of the affair between a bestial and a human, Quill spent most of his early life transitioning from roaming group to roaming group, being raised by just about whoever could be arsed to do so until they grew tired of it, and shoved him along. He heard a lot of mockery for his appearance, and was called a “mutt” most places he went. In his early teens he spent a lot of time shadowing with gangs and street-clans. Quill will never gives a straight or consistent answer as to how he learned to fight as he does. Though his stories often include being taught by a nomad called Sienne, sometimes they are a woman, others a man, sometimes a monster and sometimes a figment of his imagination. Whatever the case, everything between Quill’s earliest teenage years and the current time is a blur, and by now, Quill probably believes half the lies he tells about it anyway. Whatever the case, his motives for joining the order are nearly as cloudy. He changes his answer a lot, but he’s more interested in what others’ reasons are, anyway. In fact, unless prompted, Quill seems to go out of his way to avoid being the topic of a conversation that doesn’t involve some kind of antic or another. [b]By my knighthood I swear:[/b] [i]I Swear To Enjoy This~[/i]