[b]Name[/b]:Hastuk [b]Gender[/b]:Male [b]Race[/b]:Human [b]Age[/b]:36 [b]Title/Nickname[/b]:The Unseen [b]Kingdom of birth[/b]: Al Zidoa [b]Worship[/b]: Devout follower of Sand [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/334/6/3/assassin2_by_artcobain-d33z87s.jpg[/img] [b]Magical affinity[/b]: Sand [b]Skills[/b]: Hastuk is legendary in his covert abilities and cruelty with his longswords. [b]Equipment[/b]: Robes of an Al Zidoan assassin. two longswords both bearing the scorpion symbol of sand. [b]Favorite spells[/b]: Hastuk has been known to vanish in scorching hot swirling sand, only appearing behind his opponents to deliver the last blow. He revels in his own sandstorms watching them tear into his opponents. [b]Character backround history[/b]: It has been two years since that night when Hastuk arrived to the order of his old friend Edward bleeding badly from multiple sword wounds, whispering on his arrival only the name "Viper." Since then Hastuk has been something like honored guest within the order not really belonging but occasionally given command of newer knights by Edward. Hastuk has served the order honorably time and time again even if only to pay back debt of gratitude to Edward, and now his presence there is a well know fact within all kingdoms and only few question his authority. As for his reasons of being there, only him and Edward know for sure. [b]By my knighthood I swear[/b]: By Sand I swear.