South felt a small wave of relief when she saw Team Two appear at the hanger door, this quickly vanished when she saw the fire they were under, however fear took hold of her and she could do little more than stand there as they made their way aboard and Cal was pulled aboard the ship bleeding heavily. Everything seemed to move slower for her, her eyes fixed on the man as blood slipped onto the floor. Bullets were still flying in their direction and all she could do was stand there, useless. North turned his head slightly as the room behind them exploded with noise. He looked back to Alaska for a moment and nodded his head at her. “I’m gonna go help them.” He informed her as he left the cockpit, trusting Alaska to do what she did best. She was more than competent to get them out of there. He grabbed his gun as he made his way to the entrance of the pelican and did what he did best, though he was limited by the reload time of the sniper even his accuracy wasn’t making more than a small dent in the enemy. However he was hoping it was enough to give the rest enough time to get to the ship. At her brother’s appearance South finally drew herself out of her shock and slowly tugged at the gun at her hip, cocking it and aiming at the men at the other side of the hanger. Out of the corner of his eye North noticed her movements and turned to her for a moment. “What are you doing?!” He demanded. South turned to look at him for a moment and then back at the gun. “Helping.” She said, though she sounded uncertain of herself, as if she didn’t really know what she was doing. “You know my accuracy is almost as good as yours.” She said, trying to reassure herself more than anything else. Raising the gun again she put the enemy in her sights, her finger tensing over the trigger, however she couldn’t bring herself to shoot. North was suddenly on her and he pressed her down, his body over the top like a shield as a shot flew right past where the girl had just been. Both of them remained silent for a moment as they looked at each other before North turned away and resumed shooting. “Stay down.” He told her, the voice sounding soft all of a sudden. "Come on Penn!" The softness was gone as her brother's voice roared across the hanger.