[hider=Armaldo] Name: Armaldo Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Armaldo is rather short and tends to hunch forward a little making him seem even smaller, his eyes are a milky white that give off the impression of blindness. His skin is moderately tanned and his plates are colored brown, slightly darker than his normal skin. He currently wears loose fitting clothing and glasses. Armaldo's nails extend slightly further than his hand and curve down slightly making them effective for digging. He has no foot wear. Hybrid Animal: Armadillo 60% Human 40% Abilities: Dermal Bone- Armaldo's entire back half of his body and the top of his arms are covered in thick leathery plates that are strong enough to withstand even heavy gunfire Ball Form- Armaldo's slightly modified bone structure allows him to curl into a ball protecting his unarmored stomach. Sense of Smell- Armaldo has poor eyesight even with his glasses and relies more on his sense of smell to find his way around. He most commonly uses this to distinguish between everyone's unique smell as he has a hard time recognizing the finer features of faces. Digging Claws- Armaldo has short claws that barely extend past his fingers and toes but they are very powerful and can dig through dirt with ease even able to draw furrows in solid stone. Water Capabilities- Armaldo can hold his breath for as long as six minutes and can swim very quickly for short periods of time. His amour makes him sink normally but if needed to he can swallow air inflating his stomach and allowing him to float but temporarily removed his ability to curl into a ball. History: Armaldo was barely born before he was in a lab, he has no memories until he woke up in a cabin somewhere in the woods at the age of 10. For some reason he couldn't remember anything, even his own name. Examining his cabin he found it well stocked with food and tools but little else. Armaldo explored his surroundings and found several berry bushes and a river nearby. He lived in this secluded area for six years living off of the stored food and natural food sources. Until he was rudely awakened one night to the sound of his door being knocked in and black clothed men charge in, he briefly felt a sharp pain in his chest and looking down noticed a small dart in it. Armaldo had a moment to consider the upheaval of his world. There were people other than him, and they wore coverings over their bodies. Then he fell into darkness. Upon waking up he found himself in a dark confined space with the only light coming from some sort of hole in the wall and wearing some sort of covering. To his surprise he found some strange object on his face, it appeared to enhance his vision making what little he could see more clear.[/hider]