[hider=here we go] Cs Name: Lisa E. Ciber Age: 14 Powers or magic: 1• reality/space warping - the ability to bend space and time in many ways such as creating personal pockets in space as well as creating objects/changing anything within those spaces. ((Note- She cannot stay in these pockets forever, at most she can stay in on for about 12 hours before becoming extremly tired and getting pushed out of the pocket for about a few hours)). Outside of those pockets she can change things such as the weight and color of objects but doesn't have good control over this ability yet 2• Enhanced Intelligence - Self explanitory. Appearance: [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_6Vdy0qGFJIY/TIRKryuOStI/AAAAAAAAAWQ/get_WrSguic/s1600/normal_smart_anime.jpg[/img] other form: N/A Personality: Is a sweet girl most of the time but can be cynical at times, loves her laptop that she carries around in her shoulder bag which is really a small entrance to her personal space, is not a very active girl, very smart for her age, has a bit of a habit of walking into her own rifts randomly... or falling into them since they can appear around her without her knoledge. Bio: Lisa's parents were killed in a lab explosion which had thrown her into out of the window, as she fell a rift opened in mid air and she flew through it, landing on a white marble floor which shifted into a grass field of which she wandered around for about an hour before finding another door that dumped her out on the other side of the laboritory's outside fire door. This marked the Awakening of her powers and the start of her orphan life. She was bounced around from home to home until she was finally sent to the orphanage. [hider=this is the inside of her room][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/107/1024x576_18573_Wizshool01_2d_illustration_fantasy_room_interior_magic_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=or this is the other form it takes][img]http://www.your-home-design.com/home/hi-tech-living-room-with-extravagant-furniture3.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] There's my cs [@KatherinWinter] Sorry I'm late with this