Calorina groaned as he coughed and spurted throwing his helmet off he pulled both his SMG's off his waist and began to fire. "Penn I got you covered get in, Alaska please tell I can keep the death robot. It can flip scorpion tanks!" He chuckled before coughing up more blood as he changed magazines keeping his fingers on triggers. "Iowa I'm fine... I can take it." He groaned as he opened back up on a wave of advancing marines. His mind was in over time he could barely stay awake but he had to, a coma was not an option right not. As he emptied his mags and relaxed his muscles however his mind gave out on him. Carolina collapsed to the floor floor coughing up more blood as he slipped in to shock and then comatose. He remained stable but went from fighting to unconscious in record time. His brain had done it, knowing that if he had kept it up he would have made the wound worse and made Iowa's job much harder when they returned. Cal's helmet rolled slowly towards the the edge of the dropship discard moments ago in his pain induced blood lust.