[center][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/194/4/2/Bandaged_Man_by_Deathness72.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Jordan Knight Age: 25 Power: [i][u]Champion of Anubis[/u][/i] Super Strength- Can easily overturn large trucks Durability: Small arms fire will not harm him Locust/Scarab Manipulation: Jordan can bend the actions if locusts and scarabs to his will Feel No Pain: In fact, its hard for Jason to feel anything now days. Judgment: Jordan can see into the hearts of mankind and truly judge their worth Appearance: Jordan is a tall man, nearly 6'2 and broad. The bandages cover his body from head to toe while concealing his muscular frame. Taking a peek under the bandages you will see alabaster skin, deathly pale however he can only move the bandages aside for a moment before they snap back in place. Jordan's usual attire consists of a black trench coat, worn in jeans, and a sturdy pair of working boots. Bio: Jordan was never someone special. He barely squeezed past highschool, never sought out higher education, and his only avenue for success was boxing which was destroyed after someone broke his Han in a bar brawl. With nothing going for him, Jordan began to take odd jobs and lived in his truck. It wasn't until he tried to end his worthless life did it really begin. You see, his uncle was an archeologists and occultist both. Traveling to ancient ruins in an effort to unlock all of their secrets both magical and mundane. As it turned out the Knight family is highly involved in ancient secrets, old magic, and dark rituals. In his travels he found a jeweled scarab in Egypt with hieroglyphs ancient beyond measure but one thing was clear, it had something to do with death. Having exhausting every other option he he had sent the scarab to his only living relative as a bauble several months earlier. Jordan had kept it wrapped in a leather string around his rear view mirror and as he OD'd on sleeping pills the scarabs hidden magic awoke. The whole area darkened as the scarab radiated darkness, not light, as his soul was dragged back into his his body. Only one word was etched into his mind as he slept, [i]Judgement[/i].