[quote=@floodtalon] Ryan walked through the forest with his Beedrill as he looked for new and intriguing Bug Types. He had been hunting a Scyther for three days now when his ears twitched. A battle was going on nearby. He looked towards where the battle was going on when he stepped on a branch. He looked towards the Scyther and saw it run towards the battle. " No, no, no, NO!" He ran after the Scyther and burst out of the forest. There was a Ranger and what appeared to be an Ace Trainer looking away from each other as the Scyther ran forward. "Beedrill, [b]Pursuit![/b]" Ryan yelled as the Scyther went for the Ace Trainer. Beedrill dashed forward in a shadowy aura and struck the Scyther down. The Scyther got up and was about to attack Beedrill when Ryan spoke once more. "[b]Pin Missle.[/b]" Beedrill shot multiple Pin Missles point blank into the Scyther and watched it stumble. He pulled out a Great Ball and threw it. It hit the Scyther and clicked. "Close one. Forgive me travelers. I have been hunting this Scyther for three days now, and I got overzealous in my pursuit. Does anyone here know of any nearby Berry bushes?" Ryan asked as he picked up the great ball. [/quote] The crow's mask of hakobo's slowly edged to the syther, screaming in fear only for it to be a quick save and his life allowed to be free once more. Sighing in relief he watched it go into a pokeball and looked up to see yet another handsome trainer. Listening he looked around before responding. "A naturalist are you? I would suggest using some cash for potions, but asking for a berry bush shall give you so much!" he blurted before pointing to the edge of town. "there, I believe an orion berry bush grows there, so go heal up and get a quick snack...." He then leans forward and in a whisper talks to the knew guy. "Help me ditch these guys too, I think they're going to kill one another!"