[i][h3][color=PaleTurquoise]Winter[/color][/h3][/i] Winter was leaning against the counter, a hand resting on her hip as she watched the crew start to stream in. She gave a smile to Kai and Aubrey as they came in, gushing over the food. She took a moment to eye Aubrey's cut. He'd done a good enough job of cleaning it up, though Winter figured she should still have a look at it. She turned around to wash her hands and heard Taran make his usual ruckus. She didn't turn to look at him as he attempted to shower her with flattery, but if one were to see her face, they would see an amused smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. [color=PaleTurquoise]"Oh Taran,"[/color] she said in a teasing voice, [color=PaleTurquoise]"you really [i]do[/i] think too highly of me."[/color] Winter dried her hands and walked over to another cabinet where a few small jars sat, filled with various colored liquids, along with a needle, some thread, and several rolls of gauze. She kept these little stores all around the ship – it was always best to be prepared with this bunch. Winter picked out a small jar of translucent green liquid, gauze, and medical tape, along with a clean scrap of cloth. Turning back, she walked over so she stood next to Aubrey, opposite of Jax and Taran. [color=PaleTurquoise]"Hold still,"[/color] she murmured as she to inspect his neck. It was directed just as much to the young boy as it was to Taran and Jax. Winter brought up her hand and gently lifted Aubrey's chin, turning it a bit towards her. Placing the gauze and tape on the table, she took the cloth and dabbed it on his skin, absorbing any leftover water, along with a few drops of blood. Without looking, Winter tossed the cloth onto another area of the counter, well away from the pot. Then she uncorked the bottle and a sharp, minty smell filled the air, mingling with the aroma of the stew. Dipping her finger into the jar, she delicately smeared the liquid across the gash at his neck, as well as on the surrounding skin. Winter put the stopper back on the bottle and placed it on the table, picking up the gauze and tape. She made quick work of covering the wound and then placed her clean hand lightly on top of his head, almost as if to pat him, and gave him a small smile. Then she picked up the jar from the table and put all her supplies away, washing her hands in the sink. [color=PaleTurquoise]"Let me know if it starts bleeding again, alright?"[/color] she told Aubrey over her shoulder. With that done, Winter turned back around to lean against the counter again. Kai, Aubrey, Jax, and Taran. Prince and the captain usually never ate with them, Angelo only came down from his roost if she served pork and garlic bread, and if Levi were eating with them, then she'd be here by now. That just left Winston and the twins. Something told her Winston wouldn't be at dinner tonight, but Rin and Sakuya were something of a toss-up. She supposed they could just join in when they got there, then. Winter pushed off from the counter and took a seat at the table. Picking up the mug she'd placed by her bowl when she'd been setting up, she raised it, a playful glint in her eyes. [color=PaleTurquoise]"To another close call, then,"[/color] she said in a mock toast. She brought the cup to her lips and took a sip, signaling it was officially dinner time.