[quote=@Guess Who] Done. Give it to me straight Lugu, how bad is it? [/quote] By no means is it bad, but I will level with you: it is not fantastic. Given the freedom that you have, it is very passable, but comes off very much as a cautious first attempt. Go wild! Make up the name of the towns your characters dwell in; give cultures and legends and life to the setting. Please do not scrap this idea or give up, but keep it to continue gnawing on, and use it as a springboard to do something really innovative! We have plenty of time to realize this vision. Here's one I did a while ago when I was sick and bored. [b]Name:[/b] Virgil Marowit [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Race:[/b] Parili [b]Affinity:[/b] Telum [b]Personality:[/b] Through gruff and by no means outgoing, Virgil is nevertheless an outstanding friend. He treasures close relationships and socializing with them, generally pursuing quality over quantity in terms of compatriots. He is tough and somewhat impulsive, and while of no more than average intelligence, he has a certain charm and common sense that make up for his lack of genius. He doesn't mince words and tends to speak exactly what is on his mind, and he can be scornful of those who lack integrity and basic fortitude. He has a strong honest streak, but has no real semblance of a hero. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] When fighting for himself, Virgil adopts a highly defensive style capable of dishing out damage while minimizing self-harm. Virgil carries a shotgun conduit implanted with a multi-missile projectile Ignus spell, which launches a spread of blazing bullets whenever fired. It is so reliable and quintessential to him that he has named it Thaksin, which means 'right hand'. He is a specialist in a not-so-unique combination of Permutatio and Telum magic, Virgil is capable of transforming himself into one of two weapons. The first is a tower shield, its metal a rough, pebbled blue, and at its center lies an eye very much like his own. Its Charm ability is to force any foes who make eye contact with its eye to look directly at it, which wears off if it blinks. The second is a flare gun, black metal with a teak-brown stock, that fires blinding magenta flares. These flares, upon coming into contact with an open source of heat like fire, gas, or hot air, can explode violently. [b]Bio:[/b] [hider=Serious Tl; dr material] Born in the coastal city Jacaranda to as the second son security guard named Saver Marowit and the parili deli owner Heather Cane, Virgil's upbringing was rougher than most in the affluent port. His busy parents devoted all the time they could to him, but they could not always be with him or his brother, and in search of connection with others the two sought others. At the ages of five and seven respectively, Virgil and Yosef joined a couple of other boys at play. Every day after school, the children reconvened, and they formed a fast friendship that lasted until high school. There, troubled by the dichotomy of academia versus enjoyment, the group split in two. As hard as it was, Virgil and his pal Emmet tried to keep firmly on path of progress, while Yosef, Andrew, and Jabin pursued pleasure. The only place where the two factions would meet was in Jacaranda's resident gym, where they all put aside their differences to compete as wrestlers. After graduating, the five were poised to disperse across Chalcedony. First, though, they decided that they would throw in one year of part-time work, traveling, and general perusing of the world before they settled down once more for college. During the ensuing extravaganza, they become ever more deeply involved in the wrestling circuits, until after a match the friends were approached by a stranger who invited them to a new gym—a huge one in which a far more interesting competition than wrestling took place. To the group's shock, the stranger demonstrated for them a brand of magic binding together both Permutatio and Telum: Living Weapon. Fascinated, the young men did not hesitate to join in. After learning the basics, they found that the Living Weapon arts required one individual as the wielder and the other as the weapon. At that point, the least-interested member of the group -Virgil's brother Yosef- decided that he truly wanted to explore Chalcedony, not spend a year fighting underground, and asked that they let him go. While full of remorse, the remaining four bid him farewell. An exciting year passed. The four friends spent much of their time either working in Jacaranda or training in the underground gymnasium. When they told the manager of the sport that they had to quit to go to college, the manager offered them a second choice instead: to enroll at the Iron Soul University, situated fifty miles east in a massive pine forest, and receive an education not only in science, history, literature, and math, but also in how to become true warriors. The four were exhilarated by the proposal, but none of them so much as Virgil. When the day finally came, the friends moved their and promptly became enmeshed in the incredible school that taught magic as well as academics. Two years later, Virgil had become very proficient in the art of the Living Weapon. He chose not one but two weapon forms, a tower shield and a flare gun, and like every other weapon, they developed unique Charm abilities only usable through a bond between weapon and wielder. After barely passing the rigorous final exam, along with his long-time friends, he was officially certified as a Living Weapon. As such, it became his duty to act as a sort of sheriff for the surrounding region. [/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=The Living Weapon] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-RPyNvglWCNI/VTm5GLSpMzI/AAAAAAAAA_U/HRKntstKnkc/w500-h750-no/OC2%2BVirgil.png[/img] [/hider]