[b]Maya - Streets of Rapture - Bart, unknown[/b] A horrific scream made Maya's blood turn to ice, freezing her in her tracks. What... was...? Bart made a noise of warning, his drill arm rising in front of them. Maya patted his arm, trying to calm him. If they ran into anything other then splicers Bart would have a hard time and would be in even worse shape. "It's okay," she said soothingly. "Whatever it is, it isn't going to bother us," she said, praying that was true. "Let's just start heading for home okay?" As they moved cautiously towards the train that would take them towards Pauper's Drop, Maya listened for any other sound from whatever that thing had been. It certainly hadn't been a Little Sister and it hadn't sounded like a Splicer either. It had sounded almost like a Big Daddy, but not how they were supposed to sound. Maybe Bart wasn't the only Big Daddy that was falling into disrepair. It wouldn't surprise her. They had found several bodies of Big Daddies that had been mutilated and picked apart for loot and pieces of their weapons and armor. The curious thing had been that some of them had large holes on their chests. It was nerve-racking, but then when you lived in a hell like Rapture nerve-racking was normal. A high-pitched alarm startled Maya and she dropped her bag to cover her ears. A bright light illuminated her, hurting her eyes. Damn security camera! She had walked right into it's line of sight! Even with Ryan dead and gone the cameras still worked. The light and noise was gone a moment later when Bart ripped the thing off of the wall and stomped on it, crushing it to pieces under his heavy boot. "Thank you," Maya said and quickly grabbed her bag. They needed to move quicker now because if anything or anyone was nearby the noise from the camera was like a dinner bell clanging, an alert to a possible target.