The rattling of the turret finally fusing into a mess of permanent disuse prompted the Demolition Experts retreat as much as the yelling from the rest of the team. Penn bolted, the weapon glowing and steaming from the abuse that it had just been put under. Empty launcher on his back, mostly spent pistols on his hips, and not one explosive left from what he brought aboard gave him an edge in the speed category he normally didn't have. Usually he had a lot more gear, and weight from that gear, slowing him down. Even so, the reinforced armor did [i]not[/i] help in this case, more rounds starting to get closer, the last burst of suppressing fire from Cal gave him the cover he needed to get aboard the ship alongside the rest of the team, scooping up his comrade's fallen helmet in one arm, turning and opening fire with his suppressed pistol in the other, breathing hard but not broadcasting that needless white noise. He replied to North as if the man had just idly asked for the weather. [b]"Agent Penn, aboard. Loose helmet, secured. Explosives, spent. Primary weapon, spent. Secondary, below 25% ammunition left. Superficial and outer layer damage to armor. Still capable of maintaining seal against space vacuum."[/b] Brief, concise status report on his situation was all that was needed right now. He would keep firing his sidearm until they lifted off, or he ran completely dry on that too, whichever came first. From the look of things, Carolina needed to get back to see proper first aid. Not surprising, looking at the injury. Mental note for himself to repair the armor and not take any shortcuts, so that did not happen to him needlessly.