[hider=Code Name - Elementalist] [color=DarkKhaki]Real Name[/color] David Arazaga [color=DarkKhaki]Age[/color] 25 [color=DarkKhaki]Gender[/color] Male [color=DarkKhaki]Nationality[/color] Half Argentinian/Mexican [color=DarkKhaki]Powers: [/color] Elemental Manipulation - David has the ability of manipulating the elements in all their forms, being more focused on being versatile to cover more area rather than potent in a single element. Despite his weaker elemental powers, he specializes in combining elements and creating devastating elemental magic. However, due to combining multiple elements, it is very draining on David's stamina. David also cannot create elements out of thin air, and can only manipulate already existing sources, however creativity may allow him to find resources where it might not be expected. The more complicated the element, the more draining it is on David and if the resources aren't nearby then it drains David even more to collect the elements to form it. [color=DarkKhaki]Origins/History:[/color] Summarizing a average childhood, David was born into the middle-class where his family were able to afford to live comfortably as live their life. Being to afford something expensive perhaps once in a while, David didn't mind his modest upbringing. However, during his time through school he was a avid student, who surprisingly had an high interest within the science and math subjects of school. However, since he learned faster than the children of his age he felt different from them as he could relate to older children much more easily. Learning things from them as well socially and picking up some things from them as well. With this kind of childhood, Damien was nerdy guy who was pretty smart for a kid his age but still had a bunch to learn despite his studiousness. However, if you had anything to ask about something that you were confused about in class, you could ask him and he would most likely clear up something for you. From the first glace, you wouldn't had seen anything special about the boy but when he was alone you could see he glowed brightly at times before it would disappear. Going through High-School he changed and became a little more socially pleasant, being able to hold a normal conversation with other people, while also making sure to look good enough to make a nice humble impression to people. However, many people knew that he still was a nerdy guy who if anything was more interested in taking a book and reading it somewhere quiet or surfing up the web. He was a generally likable guy who was interesting and had a handful amount of friends who he knew pretty well and they the same. Taking him by surprise was the years of High School, which had breezed by and before he could root himself down he graduated from high school. Having a good idea on what he wanted to do, he decided to go into college to take a degree in math, however switched a year latter into science subject. Deciding that it would be more colorful and exciting to study science which was a broad range of thing was better than the bland language of mathematics despite him being able to do it proficiently. Science was simply a more fun subject that he preferred and could teach other easily and so years went by in college with him getting his Masters in Science before finally a teaching degree. However during these years in college was when he discovered his powers, where an unfortunate accident almost took place. It had near midnight where he was separated from his friends after a late night of drinking themselves silly and he wondered away from the group. Then came from the alleyway was the victim of his outburst of powers as, he was threatened. With a knife at his neck, his eyes glowed briefly before it felt warm, with the chilly night air disappear and was increasing getting warmer before his attack was set on fire. Unsure what happen along with him being drunk, he ran away despite a pair of eyes watching him as he ran away getting a cab back to the dorms. How he got recruited into the MetaOps... was a very unlikely thing for David when he thought of it as they had came several months after he had finished getting his degree. He would had almost forgotten about the incident if he wasn't practicing how his powers worked, as he preformed minor tricks such as lighting a candle or freezing his cup of water to ice when he was bored. If they hadn't come to the college under the disguise of searching for him for that certain night. It had taken them several months of tracking him down and upon being approached about the incident, he did his best to bluff and lie about what happened that night but with video evidence. He started to run, with him out the window of a 3-story dorm may seem impossible, but he trusted himself enough that he controlled the air around him cushioning his fall before he ran. But from the corner that he turn was shot with tranquilizer darts before being dragged away... There he was explained that he was being watched by a single agent who had notice that David showed the signs of being an gifted since a early age and was reported by a few people but nothing was going to be done until he displayed his powers. They would of abandoned the case long ago if there wasn't a small yet tiny stream of complaints of him glowing eerily due to the amount of energy that was suppressed in him for all those years. Promised that he wouldn't get into trouble for the accident and that he could redeem himself, he was recruited into the MetaOps and trained so he could use his powers without them being released unconsciously. It had been quite a while since that incident and David was now a changed person, despite his plans not going how he expected it was better than what he was thinking of doing. [color=DarkKhaki]Personality:[/color] A bright and young individual who seemingly looks like the everyday person with the exception of his youth and energy that people of his age has. David likes being a intelligent person and likes to judge people upon first meeting them, however he prefers to keep his opinion to himself and remain polite. He is always perceived as a shy and reclusive individual which is mostly correct for the most part, on the other hand, he can be quite a sociable person but speaks softly. Mumbling combined with his soft way of speaking makes him easily able to fade into the background if he ever wished to disappear from the conversation as he was barely noticed anyway in the first place. When he does speak clearly he is shown to have a nice voice, not too deep as it is a blend of both masculine and feminine, with his voice being slightly deeper. [center][hider=Appearance] [img]http://awb.img1.xmtbang.com/wechatmsg/article/20141223/ae55ffc00c574efa9dff9e4b448f443e.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [/hider]