As the each member of the team came it seemed they attracted more and more attention towards the base. As Cal backed up onto the ship she booted up the clamps, doing the same with Penn’s mongoose when he came up. She called back to Cal as he got clamped down, [b]“I knew you were big Cal, but I think you just put on 60 pounds in a few minutes.” [/b]When Iowa came in she started to focus, She then addressed everyone, [b]“Right then people we need a quick exit, so if you’re not on this pelican in 60 seconds you’re getting left behind”[/b]. He activated some flares to create some smoke for a clear exit. [b]“LET’S MOVE PEOPLE!!”[/b] She announced. Wash had been behind his crates with his shotgun firing at the closest person that came close blowing him back 30 feet. He noticed that Cal was slowly running low of ammo, as was Penn. He threw his shotgun into the pelican and pulled out his pistol, and grabbed one from one of the bodies. He fired constantly taking out five marines. As the mag want dry he dropped the spare he’d picked up and threw a grenade from the corpse just as the smoke fired. He forgot that he’d just pulled the grenade. He quickly threw it towards door. He ran up to the pelican grabbing his shotgun again. He fired a few shots as the pelican flew off. All of a sudden, the sound of a missile lock loomed over the shuttle [b]"THIS IS ALPHA ROMEO PLEASE RESPOND,"[/b] no reply, [b]"Fuck this."[/b] she shut down the coms system, [b]"We're on our own, You might want to buckle up back there!”[/b] She throttled up to full putting on the after burners, doing a flip causing the missile to fire back at the ship it was fired from, No other signs of engagement, I think we’re clear. She proceeded to move towards the rendezvous location. Hoping that they would manage to get there soon, [b]“Eta 3 hours”[/b] She was using all of her excess fuel but she understood she needed to back as fast as possible. Wash looked at cal's unconcious body, As he buckled him self into the seat. [b]"Anything we can do about him Iowa?" [/b]He was worried for Cal, He was a good man, just a bit head strong.