Name: Erok Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Standing just over six feet tall, Erok has a medium to thick overall build, dark skin as typical of Water tribesmen, and short brown hair, slightly longer on the left side. He wears neutral colored clothes and overcoat when traveling, but also wears a black and blue armored suit, complete with an insulated mask while on a mission. Element: Water Abilities: Erok is a soldier trained in combative water bending, as well as being trained in both hand to hand combat and with various swords. His training has increased his endurance, mental and physical stamina, in addition to active duty giving him experience in battling benders of other elements. Erok is nearing mastery of water bending, and in particular, his greatest asset is his creativity. Work as an assassin and spy have lead him to be proficient at dealing with small groups of opponents; facing off against more than four opponents at once while alone places Erok at a disadvantage. However, Erok can often make a quick escape if he is alone. Erok is capable of freezing and boiling water without much effort, and his water movements are unlike other trained water benders in that his water will travel more often in specific shapes, rather than just waves. All this considered, Erok cannot control massive amounts of water at once very easily, instead putting a heavy focus on smaller amounts that he can exert better control of, in order to compensate. [hider=Erok - specific Water Bending Techniques] [b]Ice Grenade[/b]: Erok creates a hollow sphere of ice with liquid water inside, the liquid is then superheated before propelling it towards a target. The resulting explosion is not truly concussive as the name 'grenade' suggests, but it can have the potential to affect multiple human targets at once. The area taken up by the explosion is left too hot for a regularly clothed human, especially those in heavy armor, to be in, as doing so can result in major steam burns. The shrapnel created by the shattering ice is traveling fast enough to crush or pierce lightly armored targets. Unfortunately, this technique is rather difficult to preform on a large scale without either cover from a surface or from others defending Erok while he makes the grenade. In addition, the grenade can be made in various sizes to accommodate different needs. Quick escapes can be made from multiple enemies under the cover of such a grenade if it were the size of a fist, which is faster to create than one which would fit a fully grown human inside. Power scales accordingly, but almost always leaves strongly built or natural surrounding structures intact. [b]Ice Spike[/b]: This is not usually useful as a combat technique, but is instead a technique used for assassination. By bending water into a thin spike and making it much colder than average ice, it can easily pierce flesh, even though heavy clothing. This technique relies on absolute perfect accuracy, so hitting the proper area of a moving target in the midst of battle isn't usually an option. Using a variation of this technique, Erok can bend a spike large enough to be used as a spear, staff, or other such blunt force weapon. With more concentration, Erok can also make a dagger capable of cutting. [b]Steam Screen[/b]: Another technique originally not meant for combat, Steam Screen differs from the smaller Ice Spike in that it can be used to completely disable opponents in short order, so long as they are not aware or unable to defend against it. Typically, Erok will rapidly heat water from below his enemies until it boils, propelling steam upwards, potentially blinding foes. The scale of usefulness therefore depends almost entirely on how aware the foe is of their surroundings. If they are aware of the water surrounding them, they are not as likely to be taken unawares and harmed by it. Variations of the steam screen include shooting plumes of steam towards an opponent, creating a 'fog' through which Erok can conceal his position, and in certain situations, be useful as a propellent. [b]Survival Skills[/b]: Through experience he has also gained considerable survival abilitieswhich aid him when away from civilization. [/hider] Personality: Erok is a straightforward man who prefers words to fists when possible. Usually cool-headed, Erok tends to become rather detached under pressure, a coping mechanism meant to shield Erok from emotion while working as an assassin. He is both an excellent tactician and strategist, although this is rather limited to his own abilities, as he tries to not count on the success of others in order to avoid disappointment or loss. Therefore, while he can construct an excellent large scale strategy, he is better served on the battlefield. [hider=Bio] Erok was born in the Northern Water tribe to a high ranking soldier in the Water navy. An average childhood was enjoyed briefly before Erok's father, Koahn, was injured at sea. Having returned home safely, Koan nonetheless suspected war was fast approaching, and so began his son's water bending training, with the hopes that Erok would join the military in his stead. Erok agreed. The lessons were hard, but well learned, as Erok's skill grew. Eventually there came a point where Erok realized his control was greater than his overall power. To compensate, Erok grew creatively, bending water into intricate shapes and forms, eventually becoming one of the fastest water benders in the North. Many years passed, and the Northern Water tribe had been annexed by the Southern Water tribe, now collectively known without prefix. Erok continued to serve in the military in his father's stead, and rose through the ranks until his talents were noticed by his superiors, who promoted him rapidly through the ranks of the intercontinental forces, until he was given the chance to form his own assassin group. As Erok completed mission after mission, his patriotism began to severely waver. He could understand the political assassinations and military reconissance; he had been told that the other nations wanted to crush the water tribe entirely. However, he found this to be entirely untrue, that the other nations were actually defending themselves from a war Iluq of the Water Tribe started. Filled with regret and uncertainty, Erok made an uneasy contact with a Fire Nation Lieutenant, Chit Zai, through which Erok gave information about the Water Tribes movements, in order to defy Iluq from behind the scenes, effectively halting the Water Tribes advance on Fire territory. This unfortunately lead to suspicion, and a Fire Nation traitor operating as a spy for Iluq's forces burnt down the building in which Erok was hiding a dead drop meant for Chit. All believed Erok to have been killed in the blaze at the time, as a charred corpse with his coded credentials was found, but Erok managed to escape alive, using water bending to keep the flames at bay. Erok made it his life's mission to dethrone Iluq after his apparent death, but couldn't find the right opportunity to do so; Erok's face being known by the Water Tribe, he wouldn't have been able to set foot in Water territory. So, by biding his time and gaining information, Erok found his intelligence recon skills put to good use as an information broker. During this time, he learns that the Avatar is still alive, and that the Avatar would be able to put an end to Iluq, in order to return balance to the world. [/hider]