[b]Appearance:[/b] Check my avatar! [b]Name:[/b] Balon Alimor [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] M [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Role:[/b] Skilled Fighter [b]Personality:[/b] Outgoing and kind (a bit playfully mean) to friends. Cunning and ruthless to enemies. The kind of "thug" who would lay down his life for his friends but still know that playing hero is a stupid idea. He enjoys fighting, drinking, good company, women or a mix between any of the before mentioned. [b]Bio:[/b] Balon grew up in a well-off family. They were by no means rich, but they weren't struggling to survive either. His father was in the royal guard, and a master swordsman, so Balon always looked up to him and was taught many different ways of how to handle a sword over the years, until he himself joined the guard and took his father's place (who was now retired). His pride was however struck down when the dictator came to power. He refused to carry out the inhumane punishments ordered by the dictator upon the people, and left a desserter and branded a traitor. He joined the rebels and taught new recruits how to handle swords. During this time, he became more of a rogue than the royal guard that he used to be, but he kind of likes it. Now, he has joined a crew as their weaponsmaster and "skilled fighter" as they like to call it, and set sail for a new land to call their own. A home. A paradise.