[i]During the ceremony Yuudai had been enjoying herself with all the different food on display and getting what she wanted when she asked for it, and even though she knew full well why they were doing all this it was at least nice that she could be treated normally for a change. Shame she had to promise she would risk her life to do so but it was a start. She was a little saddened by the fact her mother was not there to see her off but she was on her own trip, and besides the children were acting as they always did towards her which made her happy again. They were always trying to get her to play with them, not caring in the slightest what she was but just how she was, the eyes of innocence was a grand thing.[/i] Yuudai was on her best behavior while listening to Lord Shima's kind words, even stating them as heroes and she had to admit that it felt rather good to be called such from the leader of such a ancient clan. She gave a curt bow to the man as she spoke [b][i][color=ed145b]"Thank you, the resources you provide us will be most helpful, I do susopect we will be getting a boat to get to the other islands as well? I don't like swimming in deep water."[/color] [/i][/b]It was nice to know that they would be so well looked after by the clan, much better than some other jobs she accepted where they did not even attempt to pay her respect for her skills even if she was half oni. She suspected the little blacksmith could relate to that given his line of work and all. However what did break her composer was the words from the titled Dog of Shima, his hand on her shoulder and the grin across his lips told her he so meant to say what he did just to anger her! She lowered her head and tried to hide her ticked off exspression so she could keep calm but by his final words to the others and with his back to her Yuu moved up to Jiang's back and attempted to reach out and grab the top of his head. At which point she would flex her sizable muscles to give him a good bullying squeeze! [color=ed145b][b][i]"Oh? Just for my cooking skills is it? Good to know you will be doing-" [/i][/b][/color]She would continue to bully him as she spoke, or trying to catch him if he dodged the first time. [color=ed145b][b][i]"-All the fighting and deal with the youkai from this point on. Make sure to be a good meat shield for all of us ok?~"[/i][/b][/color] Despite her strained and teasing words she continued to look on with a indifferent expression, this was like a normal day for her since she would have tried this many times before given she worked with him for the Shima family.