[center][h1] [b][i]Beyond the Fog[/i][/b] [/h1] [img]http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20121201/video%20games%20mountains%20clouds%20landscapes%20futuristic%20halo%20microsoft%20spaceships%20digital%20art%20concept%20art_wallpaperswa.com_88.jpg[/img] [i][b]Into the Fog, to the Edge of the World, Out into the Great Unknown[/b][/i] [h2] [i]Lore[/i] [/h2] Man has lived in their kingdoms in the world of Alalban for more generations that anyone cares to remember. Beyond their cities and villages lie the Fog, a mysterious land where few have ventured. Hundreds, if not thousands of legendes and myths have been created about the Fog and what it contains. And for as many legends about treasures and powerful magical artifacts hidden away, there are an equal number of "Fog Beasts" and ghost ships that haunt the Fog. However, one brave adventurer dived into the veil and came out with the revelations that the relics told in legends might be true. Even with his shard of a legendary gem and a bag of treasures, he stepped into the shadowy fog and prompted wealthy nobles and kings to mount expeditions to the lost lands in search of treasures. Colonies and settlements have been established as well as resting points for adventurers and treasure-seekers. Now, nearly one and a half century later, the new frontier is expanding once more as tales of even greater treasures lay in the land beyond. Everyone from adventures to soldiers, from nobles to pirates, from colonists to prisoner, many get on board airships or land caravans to once again travel into the Fog to search for relicts and artifacts at the Edge of the World. To search for a place to start anew. To search for place where their worth mean something. [i]To go Beyond the Fog.[/i] [h2] [i]Rules[/i] [/h2] - GM's word is final and rules may be changed/edited/added at GM's discretion - No God-modding or puppeting or auto-hitting without permission, both of these are jerk moves and no one likes an incredibly OP character. - Do try to be varied in your characters, its more fun and organized when you have a wide arrange of characters with different skills, gear, personalities, etc. - Be mature and use commonsense as I am willing to bet in Vegas that no one likes a whinny kid in a RP - While romance is allowed, please try to keep it at family friendly levels. Use the "fade to black" technique if and when such events occur. Please keep all the naughty stuff to 1x1's or PM's, no corrupting of innocent minds here :P - Do try and refrain from OOC Drama and try not to purposely provoke people, if drama does break out, keep it to PM or GM/co-GMs will step in. - Have fun! ^_^ [h2] [i]Some Stuff Worth Knowing[/i] [/h2] - The technology level is mid-19th century-ish at max with a Steampunk twist - The two most popular ways of traversing the Fog is either by Airships or by Land Tank caravans - There are some large companies and merchant charters that have grown quite powerful in the recent years - While Pirates and Bandits are a threat, they are not the only people who roam the skies and there are more powerful and dangerous forces besides the monsters that inhabit the fog - There is a sort of "organization" to the Fog, with each "layer" longer and more dangerous then the next.[hider=Layers of the Fog] [b]Outer Layer [/b]- This is where the last civilized towns are [b]Inner Fog [/b]- This is where remote villages and outpost are located. Basically the last part where civilization can be found [b] Fog [/b] - The Fog proper, this is where extreme terrain and the unusual weather start, Fog Monsters can also be found here. You will need special "maps" if you wish to travel here. [b]Deep Fog[/b] - This is where treasures are, at least in legends. It also where more dangerous monsters and conditions are found. "Giants" can be found here sometimes, they are monstrously huge Fog Monsters that are the stuff of legends [b]The Smoke[/b] - Undoubtedly the most dangerous layer of the Fog, Giants are common and the weather is completely unpredictable. Apparently things that defy the laws of both the world and the gods are located here. [b]World's End[/b] - A Rumored edge of the world. It is said to be the most beautiful place in the world and where the gods reside. No one has ever been here as its only a legend and it lays far beyond the Smoke. [/hider] - Bewared, the Fog is not for the weak of heart. While not directly life threatening (although it can be hard to breath in some spots), some areas of the are known to be hallucinogenic, bringing people's darkest memories and deepest fears to life. - The Fog is constantly changing, only gyroscope-like Fog Maps will ever tell you the true way, no matter how strange that way might be. [h2] [i]Character Guide[/i] [/h2] [hider=Read Meh] [B]Name:[/b] (Self explanatory, try not to use anything too edgy like X) [B]Age:[/b] (How old is your char? I'm willing to bet its somewhere between 1 and 100) [B]Gender:[/b] (Male, Female, Potato, ought to be fairly straight forward) [B]Physical Description:[/b] [INDENT]Have a picture of your char's appearance. If you can't find a good picture, go ahead and describe it as best you can.[/INDENT] [B]Skills:[/b] [INDENT]Talents one has either naturally or through education or training of some sort. Can also be from a magic artifact but try to keep it (somewhat) sane[/INDENT] [B]History:[/b] [INDENT]Just a brief thing, no one needs to read what they did on the 4th of March when they were 8. One or two paragraphs preferably[/INDENT] [B]Personality:[/b] [INDENT]An idea of how the character thinks and so forth; should be linked to the history.[/INDENT] [B]Equipment:[/b] [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider] [/center]