When Ezekiel entered the gym his mood slowly began to rise. It was well-equipped, and it had been quite a long time since he had had a serious workout. And this would be a workout with powers, no less. While scanning the room and thinking about various exercise ideas, his eyes fell on the weight rack, near which a most odd person was standing. He pretended to look around, taking his time to walk slowly towards the rack. Then, once he made sure the strange military clad empty-eyed man was not looking, he grabbed one of the freeweight bar fastening nuts and put it in his pocket. There were a few different bars and different nuts there, and he selected the springy wire-made one. His fingers rubbed the nut in his pocket while he slowly walked to his seat. It felt solid enough, and he began doubting himself. Maybe he had dreamed having this strange ability to manipulate metal? His loose-fitting overall allowed him to raise the nut to his face with the sleeve up, and he nibbled it, pretending to bite at his nails. At first it resisted. Then his teeth sank into the metal, as they always had, and the small part that was in his mouth vanished. He took another bite, bigger this time, and played with the piece with his tongue until it vanished as well, clinking lightly against his teeth. The remaining half of the nut he put in his pocket. This amount should be about right. Both his hands in his pockets, he applied firm pressure against the metal bracket, and after a few moments, sure enough, it had began to yield. Satisfied, Ezekiel raised his eyes at the center of the gym.