[h2][color=red]Don't post in the Character tab unless you've been accepted here first.[/color][/h2] [hr] Academy City: a city with a population of 2.3 million, with a supermajority of students, almost all of whom are there to become espers. With so many students and so many powers, as well as research decades in advance of the outside world, it's no wonder that so many conflicting incidents happen even when people aren't trying to sneak in... [hr] [h2]Character Sheet[/h2] [list][*][b]Name:[/b] [*][b]Age:[/b] Students only--adults are almost certainly going to be kept out of things (that or Anti-Skill takes over, which is no fun) [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [*][b]Personality:[/b] [*][b]Level:[/b] [*][b]Power:[/b] If any [*][b]History:[/b][/list] [hr] [h2]Rules:[/h2] [list][*] Try and keep your bios as spoiler-free as possible; just because things have happened doesn't mean they need to be spelled out in detail in the history section (only applies to canon characters) [*] If you have an idea for an incident, PM it to me [*] If something happens that contradicts the novels after volume 13, or some detail introduced then, go with it. This is going to be non-canon anyway. [*] Once fighting starts, establish a post order. Please. [*] You can have multiple characters, but only one of them's allowed to be a high level.[/list]