[b]Name[/b]: Misaka Mikoto [b]Age[/b]: 14 [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1130/4d360522b235452c88ca9dc11c56ff952e40e5e8.jpg?1174993]Only My Railgun[/url] [b]Personality[/b]: Most people who do not personally know the Third-Ranked Level Five would naturally assume her to be someone high-class and refined. After all, she goes to Tokiwadai and has such a high level of power, right? This is perhaps why many people do not recognize her, as the real Misaka Mikoto is a friendly and relaxed person who doesn't have a problem talking to most people. She's also rather short-tempered, however, and possesses a sharp competitive streak that often results in excitement when she sees she's up against a challenge or a strong foe. She's also rather proud of herself, and at the same time quite childish. In spite of her tomboyish attitude, she loves childish, cute things, especially the children's mascot character Gekota. The frog draws her attention at all times. She is rather possessive of her Gekota merchandise. At the same time, Mikoto is tries to hide her love of such things, finding it rather embarrassing when people notice. The Electric Princess of Tokiwadai has a heroic bent to her personality. When there's trouble, she tries to help out as best she can. However, she also seems to have trouble asking for help when she has problems. Thankfully for Mikoto and all her friends, recent events have lead to her remembering how willing to help they all are. [b]Level[/b]: Level 5, Third Ranked [b]Power[/b]: As the strongest Electromaster and Third-ranked Level Five Esper of Academy City, Mikoto naturally exerts a great deal of power and fine control in relation to her abilities. [list][*]Offensively, the fact that she is referred to as "Railgun" is rather indicative of her capabilites. But before that, she has other options. She can fire electricity at her opponents, channel it through objects or her body, and general use electricity in a variety of different ways. Should this be ineffective, she can electromagnetically manipulate metal objects and use them as bludgeons or projectiles. If there is a high concentration of iron in the sand nearby, like there is in many areas of Academy City, she can draw it out and manipulate it to form a chainsaw-like offensive weapon. Of course, there is also Mikoto's Railgun. Replicating the effects of the actual weapon with her electromagnetic capabilities, Mikoto launches projectiles at Mach 3(at least). The usual ammunition is an arcade coin that disintergrates, giving the railgun limited range. However, any metal is theoretically an option, though larger objects are obviously more straining to use. Mikoto holds back against most opponents, for the obvious reason of not wanting to kill anyone. [*]Defensively she can use metal to shield herself, and no electrical attack is of any use against her. She can also use metal objects to dodge by pulling herself towards them, or even stick to the walls or ceiling and walk on them as long as there is metal close enough to the surface. This allows her a high amount of maneuverability. [*]As a utility, Mikoto is capable of hacking anything that is electronic. She can infiltrate databases through terminals, or shock commands into machines and robots. She can also remove herself from surveillance in such a manner. [*]Mikoto's abilities are not without their downsides. She can tire out, and going overboard can cause blackouts in the surrounding area. She is also not physically very strong and has no idea how to fight beyond her Esper power, besides dodging and running. Unless you count vending machine kicks.[/list] [b]History[/b]: After participation in various incidents, including one that hit extremely close to home and one particularly recent one, Mikoto is still the kind of person who will help solve trouble wherever she can. Backstory is vague because I'm avoiding spoilers in case people have not seen one thing or another. ^^;