[list] [*]Name: Beatrix Alexandria Katherine Avalon [*]Age: 13 [*]Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/8guR7Tw.jpg]"Yes, I'm a master of the violin, too."[/url] [*]Personality: Incredibly haughty and entitled, with a fondness for flaunting her family's wealth. Beatrix managed to isolate herself as a stuck-up brat in an environment full of stuck-up brats. However, she [i]totally[/i] didn't mind this growing up, and doesn't have any secret desires to have someone to talk to occasionally! Why would someone of her amazing societal status even need pointless things like friends?! When Beatrix is not showing off her awesomeness, she's indulging in her favourite pastimes; music, gaming or collecting plushies bigger than herself. These three things are her holy trinity, and bad-mouthing any of them is liable to have an angry little girl fuming at you. And that's terrible. For all of her bluster, though, Bea is easily coerced and fooled, capable of believing the sun was made of ice if you really needed her to think that. So not exactly a 'super genius', as she likes to claim. Pointing out her level 0 status is also kind of a sore spot. Try not to poke it. [*]Level: 0 [*]Power: "Memory Killer", the ability to forget whatever she wants. [*]History: A rich girl from a little place called Britain, though she's spent half of her life within Academy City by now. Having spent her days driving people off in one way or another, she's not done much of note. Attend a school she is [i]clearly[/i] too smart for, live life as an [i]obvious[/i] prodigy... at least she looks cute? [/list]