Tuyta stared out into the seemingly endless crystal blue depths. He watched the waves rise like skyscrapers and then tumble back downwards into the uneasy sea. It would be hard sailing for anyone in a small boat, possible death if they went too far out. Any galleon would have no trouble cutting through the waves though. Tuyta wondered what had happened to his galleon, the Navy had of course recommissioned it, but to whom? He'd at least hoped they were semi-competent. A captain becomes attached to his ship like a rider becomes attached to his horse after a period of time. Tuyta pushed himself up from the sand before clapping off his clothes and hands of any sand left on them. He held a hand to his brow as he stared into the sky, at least it was sunny. He turned back to his horse, a brown, rather common breed. He wasn't one for extravagances, except, of course, for his captains jacket. He'd kept that since his days as an admiral. It was a pale blue colour with added shoulder pads for protection as well as style. He mounted his horse and set him off on a slow walk back to the village he had been staying in for the past few weeks. The village was being terrorised by bandits, you see, and Tuyta had been hired by them to protect and train them in order to combat said bandits. In return for which he'd get food for the day, a place to stay and a sum of money after the bandits were gone. He accepted with glee, not exactly 'Order of Arcane Knight's work but at least it made him feel somewhat good inside. He arrived at the village to meet the peculiar sight of a rather out of place courier trying to communicate to a farmer that he had a letter for a man he hadn't ever met. Turya got off his horse and lead him by the reigns over to the courier. He stared at the situation for a moment, the courier getting more and more frustrated while still trying to keep his patience and the farmer trying to hold his laughter as he realised the courier had meant Tuyta, something of which Tuyta knew himself. Eventually Tuyta did tap the lad on the soldier and explained that he was the one he was looking for. "What's this about then?" Asked Tuyta "Grand master Edward Lamillo has called your presence in Silvercliff" Answered the courier rather formally. "No need to talk so 'princely' lad" Tuyta joked "I'll ride there as soon as possible, I highly doubt I'm the last one to be contacted considering how early it is, so you'd probably better get on your way" The courier agreed and set out on his way. Tuyta turned back to the farmer. He explained that he'd taught the village all he could and that with the right timing, the bandits should be done for. He refused any payment and mounted his horse. He was at Silvercliff within a few hours. He made his way through the crowded streets after putting his horse in a stable near an inn. He eventually made it to the grand Arcane Bastion. A wondrous sight to see, even if Tuyta had seen it about a thousand times over. He stared up its great height from a small distance away from the steps. As he neared the steps though, he began to hear singing. An old sea shanty Tuyta had remembered from his time as a private. Ah, how that took him back. Rigging the mast, keeping watch for land from the crows nest, firing a cannon once in a blue moon. He spotted the chap who was singing it. He seemed more beast than human, but Tuyta never was a racist. He waited for the chorus and burst in with his low, bellowing vocals, a low baritone to contrast the relatively high voice of the original singer. He sang until the song was finished before beginning his discussion. "Quite a strange song for one as young as yourself to be singing!" He speculated, appearances rarely met expectations in this day and age. "Are you a member of the Order? Or do you just like sitting on cold, uncomfortable steps?" He joked.