[quote=@dreamshell] Well, I enjoy 'Waterworld'-type settings and have been thinking about/looking for one lately, so color me interested. ^_^ I don't want to make any waves or rock the boat (it's okay, you can groan and throw fruit at me), so can I ask if any original races are allowed? No problem if not, just curious. I have a favorite 'bosun' I like to use for this sort of thing, as well as a ship's doctor I haven't properly used. Both humans. I could also pull out or make some characters from a few other races I have filed away (see question above). If new PCs are preferred, that's fine, too. I've also got some rough nation ideas, if any are needed. I like the arrangement that's been worked out so far, though. [/quote] I think I'd want the original races to be run past me first, but I'm certainly open to them. I'm almost considering having one character be the boat itself, basically one of those Anchor Spirits from the article that I linked higher up. Boat has no actual pilot at the wheel, the boat steers itself. Sometimes it's even kind enough to tell the crew where they're going.