The gun fire stopped, Monroe didn't know why or how but he took it as his chance to get out of their, he was still limping but he was making decent time. He ran back under the bunker and sat down at the foundation...Then he realized maybe getting off the beach was a good thing...The entire beach lay with dead bodies...Everywhere. He puked for a moment then shots rang off again, he was getting shot at. He had a few options here, Go back to the beach, stay here and hope he doesn't get flanked, or go at the two sharpshooters. He reloaded the shotgun and pumped it, no matter what he was risking being a dead man. Monroe grabbed the flare gun from his vest and made sure it was loaded. He fired the flare, it landing one of the soldiers in the face. Steven took this chance to move back onto the beach. He took cover by a dune not far from the tank. He figured here was better then up their getting shot at by snipers.