[color=A52A2A] [b]"Yes, I saw so many but only one stayed in my mind. I wonder if we can compare notes about our familiars and Deity or not.... I think I shall ask after I put my thoughts down in the Personal Diary. It is such as fascinating discovering all of these things!" Molly sat down and began typing into the Personal Diary. Once that was done she typed a question in the Ask section. *Can we talk about the various things that we have found out like what are Deity and Familiars are? Or should we not speak of it to others?* Soon she had a response.... [color= 4169E1][b] You may discuss what ever you wish to. However, the more you tell others- particularly of secrets- the more of a chance that the ones that you do not wish to know will find out. [/b][/color] [color=A52A2A] [b] "I guess that sharing information is up to us. A simple warning of what is said may be repeated to those we might not want to know......" [/b] [/color] [/b] [/color] [color=00BFFF][b] The servant was standing to one side, not very far from them. “When one of you is ready, you may once more it will be the same procedure. Do not choose the same gate. You will float through the Comfort Zone. There will be many baby Personal Companions. There will be no one to guide you in your selection. It is your own personal selection. You will be allowed one Personal Companion in your lifetime." [/b][/color] [color=A52A2A] [b]"I am finished for the moment so I can go first this time if you would like." Molly spoke quietly. [/b] [/color]