Dimitri got up from the couch and locked the door after his guests turned temporary comrades made their exit. With little time to spare deciding whether or not putting his faith in these people was a good idea, Dimitri forwent taking Brutus out for a walk and moved in a brisk pace down the hall and into his room. Brutus -being somewhat accustomed to having to wait to be let out as Dimitri sometimes took a nap after work-, followed behind his owner and let out a soft whine. "[color=0054a6]I know bud, i'll take you out in a minute but I have to get everything ready to go.[/color]" Dimitri grunted as he pulled his rucksack from out of the closet. It was a large bag by most people's standards, however Dimitri's size almost made it seem normal. He tossed it onto a lumpy old mattress on the floor which served as his bed and pulled his shovel out from the closet's top shelf. Brutus sat in the doorway and watched patiently as Dimitri ran his thumb carefully along the serrated edge that took up one half of the shovel's blade, then swung it experimentally. The shovel was a relatively small thing, just over a yard long when fully extended, but it was remarkably sturdy, having survived everything Dimitri put it through when he actually brought it in to work. The blade of the tool would make short work of anything fleshy that it hit, and provided Dimitri with a small comfort, though he couldn't help but wish he had his guns back. Dimitri grabbed the rucksack from his bed and opened it to ensure that his weather blanket was inside, then placed the shovel inside along with the blanket before closing the bag up and moving out of his room and for the kitchen to repeat the packing process anew.