[quote=@BlackSam3091] Don't ask me if [b]you[/b] should type up a post for [b]your[/b] character, as that wasn't the point of my message. My point is that I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here. You, the players have to want to play, otherwise I, the GM, becomes little more than a nuisance to you all, constantly demanding attention you would rather be fixed elsewhere. To me Rping should be an enjoyable experience, a hobby, a game, something you do of your own free will because you [b]want [/b]to. It should never hit the stage where the GM has to pester the players into posting, because that just means they are no longer enjoying the experience like they should be. In that scenario we should just stop this crazy train. Posting shouldn't be an obligation. It should be a privilege. So don't post because you've seen this message and think [i]"Sam's wanting us to post, so I better fire on otherwise he'll bitch like a mother fucker", [/i]do it because [i]"I enjoy this RP, my character, and interacting with the other players. I [b]want[/b] to post." [/i] Anything else is just a waste of all our time, and I hate that. This isn't a shot at you by the way Hillan, that's just my thoughts on the matter. [/quote] I completely agree with you, and I understand that it wasn't a shot at me. But regardless, I am sorry for my poor wording. I absolutely do want to post, I enjoy Marcus and I enjoy the RP in general. My question was meant to ask "Do you think it matters if I post or not?" While I could gladly hammer out a few thousand characters, I would prefer to know if "the ship hasn't already sailed". So to speak.