Quill enjoyed stories, both hearing, telling and retelling them. He was quite low on sailor-tales as it was, perhaps this Tuyta would make a good subject for one. He made a note to ask the man about his naval past later on, but before he could move to continue their conversation, a couple of folks who looked like proper knights had made their way into the bastion. The first was a statue of a man, his armor decrepit and haunting, and the blade he bore none the lesser. The second seemed at least somewhat cheerier, though both seemed in too much of a hurry. "My my," Quill mused, attention completely diverted. "The eagerness of some folks, hm? I don't think the first fellow even bothered to knock. Mayhaps I've just underestimated the urgency of our summoning." He leaned back on his hips and let his arm rest upon the handle of the blade dangling at his side. "Oh, apologies, no I can't say I'm too in the know about what we're really doing here. I [i]can[/i] however say that, whatever it is, it's bound to me more entertaining than anything else going on in this political storm of a kingdom. I think I'm going to remain out here for a bit, see what else the tide brings in, so to speak. Always interested in seeing the sorts of people this Order attracts."