I was going to do another character but then I had the random idea to redo an old character. Maybe I'll make the new idea into a second character later, but for now... [list][*][b]Name:[/b] Kazamatsuri Nadeshiko [*][b]Age:[/b] 14 [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://moerin-satsuki.deviantart.com/art/Nadeshiko-Kazamatsuri-478690053]Whee.[/url] Nadeshiko is rather short. [*][b]Personality:[/b] Incredibly shy and incredibly socially awkward, and tends to fall apart rather quickly when made the center of attention. However, the other main defining part of her personality is that she is a massive pervert. She loves cute girls, and if it weren't for her crippling lack of self-confidence and inability to properly socialize she would probably be a legendary skirtchaser. Instead, she focuses her perverted attentions on erotic anime, manga and visual novels, and peeping on the swim team when they're training. She does like less explicit media, but a lot of the time she only chooses to watch or read things because they have cute girls in them. As can be surmised from her obsession with cute girls, Nadeshiko is very, [i]very[/i] gay. Despite her shyness, she's not exactly in the closet; it happens to be one of the few things she is very up-front about, and the first thing people tend to note about her after her shyness. One more important trait to note about Nadeshiko is her general laziness; if something doesn't interest her she's not likely to bother doing it, and since she tends to only show interest in things that involve cute girls, well... There's a lot of things that don't interest her. [*][b]Level:[/b] 2 [*][b]Power:[/b] [i]Psycho Print[/i] - Nadeshiko can project images from her mind onto paper (or really any flat surface). However, due to only being level 2 said images are incomplete and she usually has to fill in some of the blanks herself. Still, it makes it much easier to produce her doujinshi at a faster rate than would normally be possible for a single girl to achieve. [*][b]History:[/b] Nadeshiko was so named in the hope that she would live up to the Japanese ideal of womanhood, but somewhere that went wrong. Instead of a confident, reliable, elegant young woman, she quickly turned into something of a shut-in. Her grades are average at best; she usually only just passes tests, and doesn't really excel at much, especially PE. However, her passion is art. She is a wonderful artist, able to expertly draw beautiful girls, beautiful girls kissing, beautiful girls sharing intimate moments... Mostly, she draws lesbian pornography. Her stories are well written enough, although it's clear that it's there mainly to set up for the main event. As far as her social life goes, it may as well not even exist; she has few if any friends due to her social awkwardness, leading her to be almost unable to talk at length with anyone other than her parents or older brother. Other than that, her life has been pretty average; her coming out wasn't much of a big deal, and she's mostly just kept to herself and her manga, anime and games.[/list]