The world has become corrupted by the government. A mad dictator has taken over the one and only continent this world has. He has made ridiculous demands as well as inhumane punishments. Rebels who are referred to as pirates have fled the continent in search for an island far away that they can call paradise. Some pirates are cruel and will kill residents of islands so that they can take it over. Others, like the group our story focuses on, are only looking for a place to call home. An island lush with fruits, fresh water, flowers, herbs, and even animals is the home of a a civilization of merfolk. These merfolk are half human and half aquatic animal. Some have the lower half of a clown fish, while others have the lower half of an octopus. Some merfolk are as big as a whale while others are poisonous and deadly. Every merman and mermaid have the ability to transform either into their fish form or human form (But they will always keep their size). Sometimes their fish traits will carry onto their human form such as shark merfolk having sharp teeth. These fish people live in harmony with each other. They love one another and would never hurt each other. A species they do hate though is humans. Since the rule of the mad dictator mermaids have been captured either to be put on display or to fulfill a man's sexual fantasy. Mermen will either have the same done for them or be forced to work as a slave (This mostly happens to the bigger ones). One day a group of humans known as pirates had invaded their land. They had already set up fortifications and housing. Merfolk are a peaceful species and don't truly want the humans dead, but if they must resort to fighting then that is what they shall do. The Phoenix pirates have finally found the island of their dreams. It had everything they could ever need. Finally they could live up to their pirate name and be reborn from the ashes of their previous life at the continent. Their crew had about 7 members but they also had 43 passengers who had agreed to escape with the pirates. It wasn't long before the crew had set up living quarters for everyone. It mostly consisted of huts fit for 1-2 people but it worked as a shelter for now. The pirates had yet to discover the other residents of the island, and there was no way they were going to give up this island without a fight. --- [color=ed1c24]Drake was drawing a map of the land that had been discovered so far. The the north was a large lake full of fresh water and even fresh water fish. It had a huge cliff with a waterfall connected to it. Captain Blythe had tried to jump off the cliff but luckily Luz and Drake stopped him before he did it. The captain just doesn't think things through sometimes. To the northeast of the small village the crew had built was a clearing in the trees. It was a lovely meadow filled with an abundant amount of flowers. The meadow was full of bees and rabbits which meant honey and meat. To the northwest was a cave with a hot spring inside. Balon and Blythe were the first to jump in. There was still so much left to discover on the island. The anticipation was overwhelming among the pirates. Had they really found their own paradise?[/color] [color=00aeef]The queen of the merfolk was in a very bad mood. "Filthy humans are mucking about all over the north side of the island! It's so disgusting!" Helena was swimming in circles thinking of tactics on how to eradicate the humans. Surveillance said they had weapons. The merfolk had tridents and spears but most were not skilled in battle. At first she thought to send Dylan the Megadalon to stomp and gobble them up, but then she realized 50 VS 1 wouldn't work. She needed to take them out slowly whether it be by capturing them or killing them. Dylan and Helena were the only ones willing to kill humans though so capturing them would have to do. The queen hated to send the innocent civilians to face the pirates but she had no choice. She gave a public announcement about the humans and how the kingdom was to capture all the pirates and send them back to their continent. "I'm afraid our time of peace will have to stop for now..."[/color]