[center][i]H[/i]e had died again yesterday.[/center] It was extremely painful and poorly timed, after all, who actually enjoyed getting glass in their eyes? It was all thanks to the curse that came with being Hastur -- dying constantly, yet never getting the privilege to stay dead. It was such a dreadful misery that he had to be taunted with possible after life only to come back to this wretched planet that was Earth. [center]To tell you the truth, he wasn't sure who was the villain: him or Skye.[/center] He was probably going down that path, maybe, eventually, someday. For now, he sat atop one of the shorter buildings in the city (what, maybe it was a Walgreen's?) and watched idle city activity from above. Always a quiet spectator, he would come out here to watch the others. The others with abilities, but hadn't gotten them from making a goddamn pact with Cthulhu. [i]Sigh.[/i] Speaking of which, there was the ice manipulator. She was almost always out here when he was. He'd watch her abilities from afar and briefly ask himself where she laid in this war in morality. [center]In the end, maybe she didn't care.[/center] Yeah, he liked the sound of that.