Blah blah blah, boring. It's not like Nana would listen to those speeches anyways, she got the gist; Save the world, do the thing, whatever. Hey, but what was interesting were those vases, and how useful they would be on her journey, my she could do anything with a vase; Hold things in it, use it for... Things... But would she be able to fit it in her bags? She had enough souvenirs as it was, but one could never have enough. "Wha-" She snapped out of her daze and simply rested her gaze upon Jiang, the Dog. "Hah!" Nana raised a thumb and gave him a large toothy grin. "Hell yeah dude, I'm totally going to agree to whatever you just said." The young girl nodded, chuckling lightly as she then glanced over at the others who gave him slack for his comments. 'I have no idea what that guy just fucking said'. That thought crossed her mind, yet she simply smiled and waved. Yeah, she'd be better off by just smiling and waving. This little celebration was fun and all, however Nana would much rather get a head start on their little journey. She seemed to be placed in good hands, everyone had a specified job, or background to aid them in their travels. So in a way, they were all well endowed. "Yup yup yup." Nana chimed, butting in on their conversation even if she did understand very little of what they were talking about. She might as well dabble among them for awhile until they actually start doing things. Important things. "Height and stuff, and a lot of words. Yeah." Ever so slowly she attempted to weasel her way in.