[color=A52A2A] [b][color=00BFFF][b]"Yes. You are the first members of our society. The rest of us who are here in the Inside have been raised Inside. We know of but never had the same opportunity to live like the outsiders do. Once there are more that wish to be servants, then you each will lead a group called a triangle. Dresden will lead the male group while Molly will lead the female group. Our numbers are small which is why we have decided to allow outsiders to join." [/b][/color] Molly was totally surprised about being a leader in this society. "How many will each of us have in our triangle?" [color=00BFFF][b]"I have no clue as to how many will want to join an become a member of the Island." was the answer. [/b][/color] [/b] [/color]