"Glad to have you here, Ensign RHD," Pharazon replied, then turned to Chie and her father, "and you as well, Ensign Alberton, Dr. Alberton." Then, to give Chie a sense of who she'll be answering to, Pharazon added, "I'm Lieutenant Commander Pharazon CXS, pronounced, 'Chess', I'll be your commanding officer." Pharazon had said this while placing their hands on their knees and bending forward to speak to Chie in an almost patronizing fashion. Pharazon wasn't really happy with what they considered Dr. Alberton's 'mistake', which Chie's enlistment was a direct result of. Pharazon hoped that this mistake wouldn't end up giving the entire team trouble, though first impressions certainly led Pharazon to believe that it would. What Pharazon was really trying to hide under their disgruntlement of the current situation was their fear of human children: human adults at least had to attempt to maintain a facade of being reasonable and professional, whereas children had no such restriction, making them unpredictable, uncontrollable, and chaotic.