I believe that part of the problem here is that you're putting a lot of emphasis on the "enough" portion of your self deprecation. When a person does than then generally one of two things happens: Either that fall into a state of stagnation when they perceive an end to their progress, or they fall into despair when they realize that there is no end to progress and that there's no such thing as "enough". BUT, that latter issue is secretly a thing of beauty. See, here's the thing Diz, when you place the term "enough" on something, then that means that you've imposed a limit, a line in the sand if you will. The worst part of it is, that word not only imposes a limit, but it also makes someone feel that their goals are wildly out of reach or difficult to attain. To some it even becomes a crutch or an excuse. But, when you stop using "enough" when you describe your goals and embrace the fact that progress is a perpetual thing, you learn to instead focus on what you HAVE achieved and use that as motivation to attain greater heights. I won't lie to you, it's a difficult and painful road, and there's not many things that'll cushion you when you fall on the road, but the important thing is that you cherish whatever does help you along -such as the man you love- and continue moving along. It's also important to relax though, too much at one time will overwhelm you, which is no good for your stress. Take a bit of time to rest, but never lose yourself fully in the joy of leisure, otherwise you'll find yourself further in despair later. What you're feeling about moving is natural, after all it's a change of scenery, embrace all of those feelings of yours (even the negative ones!) and use them to make something of this move. I wish you and the man that you love the best of luck!